Thursday, December 23, 2010

Festooning/Ft. Stephenson After Action Reports

The after action report of Major Croghan states:

LOWER SANDUSKY, August 3, 1813,
General Harrison
Dear Sir:The enemy made an attempt to storm us last evening, but was repulsed, with the loss of at least two hundred killed, wounded, and prisoners. One Lieutenant Colonel (Short), a Major, and a Lieutenant, with about forty privates, are dead in our ditch. I have lost but one in killed and but few wounded. Further statements will be made you by the bearer.
Major, Comdg. Fort Sandusky
P.S. - Since writing the above two soldiers of the of the 41st Regiment have gotten in, who state that the enemy have retreated. In fact, one of their gun-boats is within three hundred yards of our works-said to be loaded with camp equipage, &c.- which they in their hurry have left.
A true copy,
John O'Fallon

And the Brits put their spin on the event:

[From a newspaper clipping in the Hayes Scrapbooks vol. 12, p. 16]
My Lord:
Major General Proctor having given way to the clamour of our Indian allies to act offensively moved forward on the 20th Ultimo, towards the Enemy, with about 350 of the 41st Regiment, and between three and four thousand Indian warriors, and on the 2d instant attempted to carry by assault the Block Houses and works at Sandusky, where the enemy had concentrated a considerable force. He however soon experienced the timidity of the Indians when exposed to the fire of musketry and Cannon in an open country, and how little dependence could be put upon their numbers. Previous to the assault they could scarcely muster as many hundreds as they had before thousands, and as soon as it had commenced they immediately withdrew themselves out of reach of the Enemy's fire; - they are never a disposable force; - the handful of His Majesty's troops employed on this occasion, displayed the greatest bravery, nearly the whole of them having reached the Fort and made every effort to enter it, but a galling and destructive fire being kept up by the enemy within the Block houses and from behind the picketing which completely protected them, and which we had not the means to force, the Major General thought it most prudent not to continue longer so unavailing a contest. He accordingly drew off the assailants and returned to Sandwich with the loss of 25 killed, as many missing, and about 40 wounded. Amongst the former are Brevet Lt. Colonel Shortt, and Lieut. J. G. Gordon of the 41st Regiment.
I have the honor to be, My Lord, Your Lordships most obedient and most humble servant,
George Prevost.
To the Right Honorable Earl Bathurst, &c.

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